Laboratory equipment washing kit
| Core Facilities

Lab Services Core

Media Prep, Glass Wash, and Autoclaving

All HSCRB laboratories located in the Bauer and Sherman Fairchild complex can use the Department’s glass wash and media prep facility.

Lab Services Core facility staff provide media prep, glass wash and autoclaving services, or trained lab personnel may use the facilities directly.


The costs of Glass Wash and Media Prep are allowable expenses on sponsored awards. Laboratories are charged a fixed fee every month for participating in Glass Washing services from the Lab Services Core. Media Prep is charged by units based on the unit rate table below effective Mar 1st 2025. All fees are reviewed on a regular basis and are subject to change.

Media surcharge $ per unit
LB/Liter 17.89
LB/0.5 L 8.99
LB/0.25 L 4.54
LB/0.1 L 1.76
Custom LB Plates/Sleeve 48.05
10X PBS/Liter 15.96
1X PBS/0.5 Liter 10.00
Gelatin (0.1%)/Liter 5.71
Gelatin (1.0 %)/Liter 21.59
50X TAE 48.05
Autoclaved water/Container 3.95
E3/liter 15.96

HSCRB Glass Pipette Program

HSCRB uses washable, reusable glass pipettes, which reduces cost and environmental waste. Contact LaTasha Jakes for information about costs and requirements.

Self-service: glass wash and media prep

HSCRB lab members may be trained to do glass wash and media prep. This training is required to use the facilities and equipment.

To arrange training, contact Taylor Chang, Research Operations Manager for FAS Division of Science.

Self-service requires laboratories to order their own supplies for media.

Notify LaTasha Jakes of your storage needs.

How to order services

Contact LaTasha Jakes, team leader, to order media, glass wash services or decon services, or to discuss your laboratory’s specific needs for glass wash and media.

How to reserve equipment and instrumentation

Use the equipment and instruments reservation system. A Harvard Research Computing account is required. You must also be able to show that you have completed training on the relevant equipment.


Please send any questions or feedback to Joe Vaughan, Assistant Director of Lab Operations and the primary point of contact for HSCRB core facilities.

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