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Jordan Lewandowski, Ph.D.

Jordan Lewandowski is a developmental biologist who is interested in understanding how regions of the genome that are devoid of protein-coding genes can contribute to human development and disease. The goal of his research is to better understand how our non-coding genome contributes to the etiology of human disease and to provide opportunities for better therapies and/or disease prevention. He is an NIH postdoctoral fellow, and has established several new models to study the effects of the noncoding genome.

Prior to joining HSCRB, Jordan obtained his Ph.D. in Dr. Steven Vokes’ lab at the University of Texas at Austin where his dissertation researched focused on determining how the noncoding genome contributes to congenital limb malformations.

Selected publications

Groff AF, Barutcu AR, Lewandowski JP, Rinn JL. (2018) Enhancers in the Peril lincRNA locus regulate distant but not local genes. Genome Biol. 219; doi:10.1186/s13059-018-1589-8.

Barutcu AR, Maass PG, Lewandowski JP, Weiner CL, Rinn JL. (2018) A TAD boundary is preserved upon deletion of the CTCF-rich Firre locus. Nat Commun. 9:1444; doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03614-0


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