
Scadden DT. 2003. AIDS-related malignancies. Annual review of medicine. 54:285-303. Pubmed: 12525676


Immunodeficiency alters the risk of cancer. Specific types of immune dysfunction are associated with different tumor risks, but most tumors are related to oncogenic viruses. In acquired immunodeficiency due to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), HIV itself rarely directly causes cancer; rather, it provides the immunologic background against which other viruses can escape immune control and induce tumors. The most common malignancies are Kaposi's sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This chapter discusses the pathophysiologic background of these tumors, how they have been affected by the use of anti-HIV medications, and their clinical management.

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Photo of David Scadden

David Scadden’s laboratory is dedicated to discovering the principles governing blood cell production, with the ultimate goal of guiding the development of therapies for blood disorders and cancer.

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