Reimold SC, Maier SE, Fleischmann KE, Khatri M, Piwnica-Worms D, Kikinis R, Lee RT.1994.Dynamic nature of the aortic regurgitant orifice area during diastole in patients with chronic aortic regurgitation.Circulation.89(5):2085-92.Pubmed: 8181132
Reimold SC, Maier SE, Fleischmann KE, Khatri M, Piwnica-Worms D, Kikinis R, Lee RT.1994.Dynamic nature of the aortic regurgitant orifice area during diastole in patients with chronic aortic regurgitation.Circulation.89(5):2085-92.Pubmed: 8181132
Rich Lee seeks to understand heart failure and metabolic diseases that accompany human aging, and translate that understanding into therapies. Lee is an active clinician, regularly treating patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.