Ellison GL, Helzlsouer KJ, Rosenfield SM, Kim Y, Ashare RL, Blaes AH, Cullen J, Doran N, Ebbert JO, Egan KM, Heffner JL, Lee RT, McClure EA, McDaniels-Davidson C, Meghani SH, Newcomb PA, Nugent S, Hernandez-Ortega N, Salz T, Vidot DC, Worster B, Zylla DM.2024.Perceptions, prevalence, and patterns of cannabis use among cancer patients treated at 12 NCI-Designated Cancer Centers.Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs.2024(66):202-217.Pubmed: 39108244DOI:10.1093/jncimonographs/lgae029
Ellison GL, Helzlsouer KJ, Rosenfield SM, Kim Y, Ashare RL, Blaes AH, Cullen J, Doran N, Ebbert JO, Egan KM, Heffner JL, Lee RT, McClure EA, McDaniels-Davidson C, Meghani SH, Newcomb PA, Nugent S, Hernandez-Ortega N, Salz T, Vidot DC, Worster B, Zylla DM.2024.Perceptions, prevalence, and patterns of cannabis use among cancer patients treated at 12 NCI-Designated Cancer Centers.Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs.2024(66):202-217.Pubmed: 39108244DOI:10.1093/jncimonographs/lgae029
Rich Lee seeks to understand heart failure and metabolic diseases that accompany human aging, and translate that understanding into therapies. Lee is an active clinician, regularly treating patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.