
Li Q, Sun Y, Jarugumilli GK, Liu S, Dang K, Cotton JL, Xiol J, Chan PY, DeRan M, Ma L, Li R, Zhu LJ, Li JH, Leiter AB, Ip YT, Camargo FD, Luo X, Johnson RL, Wu X, Mao J. 2020. Lats1/2 Sustain Intestinal Stem Cells and Wnt Activation through TEAD-Dependent and Independent Transcription. Cell Stem Cell. 26(5): 675-692.e8. DOI:10.1016/j.stem.2020.03.002


Intestinal homeostasis is tightly regulated by complex yet poorly understood signaling networks. Here, we demonstrate that Lats1/2, the core Hippo kinases, are essential to maintain Wnt pathway activity and intestinal stem cells. Lats1/2 deletion leads to loss of intestinal stem cells but drives Wnt-uncoupled crypt expansion. To explore the function of downstream transcriptional enhanced associate domain (TEAD) transcription factors, we identified a selective small-molecule reversible inhibitor of TEAD auto-palmitoylation that directly occupies its lipid-binding site and inhibits TEAD-mediated transcription in vivo. Combining this chemical tool with genetic and proteomics approaches, we show that intestinal Wnt inhibition by Lats deletion is Yes-associated protein (YAP)/transcriptional activator with PDZ-binding domain (TAZ) dependent but TEAD independent. Mechanistically, nuclear YAP/TAZ interact with Groucho/Transducin-Like Enhancer of Split (TLE) to block Wnt/T-cell factor (TCF)-mediated transcription, and dual inhibition of TEAD and Lats suppresses Wnt-uncoupled Myc upregulation and epithelial over-proliferation in Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)-mutated intestine. Our studies highlight a pharmacological approach to inhibit TEAD palmitoylation and have important implications for targeting Wnt and Hippo signaling in human malignancies.

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Photo of Fernando Camargo

The Camargo laboratory focuses on the study of adult stem cell biology, organ size regulation, and cancer.

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