
Kupfer DJ, Hyman SE, Schatzberg AF, Pincus HA, Reynolds CF. 2002. Recruiting and retaining future generations of physician scientists in mental health. Archives of general psychiatry. 59(7):657-60. Pubmed: 12090819


The authors discuss 6 challenges facing the recruitment and retention of physician scientists as career mental health researchers. These challenges include (1) early identification and recruitment at the undergraduate and medical student level; (2) recruitment of a more diverse group of trainees; (3) safety nets for reducing attrition; (4) strategies to promote successful competition for K awards; (5) definition of appropriate roles and career development opportunities in multisite clinical trials; and (6) strategies for the mentoring "cost." A coalition of stakeholders--federal, academic, foundational, and in the pharmaceutical industry--is needed to meet these challenges.

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Photo of Steven Hyman

Steven Hyman is Director of the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute and Chair of the Schizophrenia Spectrum Biomarkers Consortium (SSBC), a consortium identifying objective biomarkers to enable better diagnosis of and treatment for schizophrenia and related illnesses.

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