Hyman SE.
National Institute of Mental Health goals for behavioral science.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology.
Pubmed: 10975615
Because all health conditions for which the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is responsible manifest at the level of behavior, and all interventions must have an impact at the behavioral level, NIMH is firmly committed to the support of behavioral science. In an era in which research in areas that some view as reductionist--for example, genomics, genetics, functional genomics and proteomics, and molecular science--is especially promising, NIMH is striving to maintain a balance in its portfolio with studies that explore integrative aspects of biology, including behavior. Without this perspective, new information about fundamental processes will prove ultimately to be shallow. This commentary discusses how understanding of brain and behavior in mental illness and health calls for integrating bottom-up research that studies brain and behavior through genes and molecules, with top-down research that examines the impact of environment.