Aaron graduated with a BSc in Biochemistry and Genetics from the University of Nottingham, UK, staying to complete a Masters in Developmental Biology, where he worked on haematopoietic stem cell development in zebrafish. He later moved to the University of Sheffield, UK, to complete his PhD where he studied vascular development in zebrafish, focussing on how calcium signalling regulates angiogenesis, and subsequently undertook a postdoc at the University of Nottingham, working on CRISPR knock-in strategies for gene therapy. Aaron joined the Whited lab in 2022 to study vascular remodelling during limb regeneration in axolotls. Aaron is broadly interested in both how blood and blood vessels evolved and how understanding postembryonic vascular remodelling can be used for therapeutic benefit. Outside of the lab, Aaron enjoys jogging, reading, watching soccer and brewing mead.