
Vyas JM, Rajagopal J, Sokol CL, Wein MN, Mansour MK, Corey KE, Fishman MC, Armstrong KA. 2018. The Great Opportunity: Cultivating Scientific Inquiry in Medical Residency. The Journal of infectious diseases. 218(suppl_1):S44-S48. Pubmed: 29878132 DOI:10.1093/infdis/jiy200


Residency training is a profound experience that greatly influences the career trajectory of every trainee. Currently, residency programs focus heavily (or almost exclusively) on the acquisition of medical knowledge and fail to foster intellectual curiosity and introduce residents to careers in investigation. We share 3 programs embedded in residency training where this focus is shifted with an emphasis on prompting intellectual curiosity and exciting residents about careers in investigation to revitalize the physician-scientist workforce.

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Photo of Mark C. Fishman

Mark C. Fishman’s group studies the heart-brain connection. They employ a range of genetic, developmental, and neurobiological tools in zebrafish to understand what the heart tells the brain, and how critical internal sensory systems adjust homeostatic and somatic behaviors, including social interactions.

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