
Waichman TV, Vercesi ML, Berardino AA, Beckel MS, Giacomini D, Rasetto NB, Herrero M, Di Bella DJ, Arlotta P, Schinder AF, Chernomoretz A. 2024. scX: A user-friendly tool for scRNA-seq exploration. ArXiv. Pubmed: 37961742 DOI:arXiv:2311.00012v2


Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has transformed our ability to explore biological systems. Nevertheless, proficient expertise is essential for handling and interpreting the data. In this paper, we present scX, an R package built on the Shiny framework that streamlines the analysis, exploration, and visualization of single-cell experiments. With an interactive graphic interface, implemented as a web application, scX provides easy access to key scRNAseq analyses, including marker identification, gene expression profiling, and differential gene expression analysis. Additionally, scX seamlessly integrates with commonly used single-cell Seurat and Single-CellExperiment R objects, resulting in efficient processing and visualization of varied datasets. Overall, scX serves as a valuable and user-friendly tool for effortless exploration and sharing of single-cell data, simplifying some of the complexities inherent in scRNAseq analysis.

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Photo of Paola Arlotta

Dr. Arlotta is interested in understanding the molecular laws that govern the birth, differentiation and assembly of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that controls how we sense, move and think. She integrates developmental and evolutionary knowledge to investigate therapies for brain repair and for modeling neuropsychiatric disease.

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