Lipnick SL, Agniel DM, Aggarwal R, Makhortova NR, Finlayson SG, Brocato A, Palmer N, Darras BT, Kohane I, Rubin LL. 2019. Systemic nature of spinal muscular atrophy revealed by studying insurance claims. PloS one. 14(3):e0213680. Pubmed: 30870495 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0213680
Lipnick SL, Agniel DM, Aggarwal R, Makhortova NR, Finlayson SG, Brocato A, Palmer N, Darras BT, Kohane I, Rubin LL. 2019. Systemic nature of spinal muscular atrophy revealed by studying insurance claims. PloS one. 14(3):e0213680. Pubmed: 30870495 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0213680