
Amemiya CT, Zhong TP, Silverman GA, Fishman MC, Zon LI. 1999. Zebrafish YAC, BAC, and PAC genomic libraries. Methods in cell biology. 60:235-58. Pubmed: 9891341


Numerous positional cloning projects directed at isolating genes responsible for the myriads of observed developmental defects in the zebrafish are anticipated in the very near future. In this chapter, we have reviewed the YAC, BAC, and PAC large-insert genomic resources available to the zebrafish community. We have discussed how these resources are screened and used in a positional cloning scheme and have pointed out frequently formidable logistical considerations in the approach. Despite being extremely tedious, positional cloning projects in the zebrafish will be comparatively easier to accomplish than in human and mouse, because of unique biological advantages of the zebrafish system. Moreover, the ease and speed at which genes are identified and cloned should rapidly increase as more mapping reagents and information become available, thereby paving the way for meaningful biological studies.

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