
Zon LI, Johns WD, Stomper PC, Kaplan WD, Connolly JL, Morris JH, Harris JR, Henderson IC, Skarin AT. 1989. Breast carcinoma metastatic to a meningioma. Case report and review of the literature. Archives of internal medicine. 149(4):959-62. Pubmed: 2650648


We describe a patient who developed an intracranial mass that consisted of a meningioma and metastatic breast cancer. A literature review revealed 12 similar cases. In epidemiologic studies, the incidence of meningioma in patients with breast cancer is higher than expected. Both tumors are more common in women, have been reported to flare during pregnancy, and express hormone receptors. In a patient with breast cancer, an intracranial mass with radiographic features suggestive, but atypical, of a meningioma should be evaluated surgically. The lesion may represent a metastasis, a meningioma, or both.

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Photo of Len Zon

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