
Sen J, Kapeller R, Fragoso R, Sen R, Zon LI, Burakoff SJ. 1996. Intrathymic signals in thymocytes are mediated by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 156(12):4535-8. Pubmed: 8648093


Thymocytes develop into mature functional T cells in the inductive environment of the thymus where thymocyte-stromal cell interactions and cytokines provide survival and differentiation signals as cues for thymocyte maturation. Disruption of the thymic microenvironment results in attenuation of T cell maturation, suggesting that intrathymic signals are essential for differentiation and repertoire selection. We have previously shown that several inducible nuclear factors such as AP-1, NF-AT, and NF-kappaB are activated in response to intrathymic signals. Here we demonstrate that in thymocytes p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, a member of the MAP kinase family of proteins that include the extracellular-signal regulated kinases and Jun aminoterminal kinases, is highly activated in response to intrathymic signals in vivo. These studies suggest a role for p38 MAP kinase in T cell survival and differentiation.

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