
Clairmont GJ, Zon LI, Groopman JE. 1987. Hemophilus parainfluenzae prostatitis in a homosexual man with chronic lymphadenopathy syndrome and HTLV-III infection. The American journal of medicine. 82(1):175-8. Pubmed: 3799681


Hemophilus parainfluenzae, a common upper respiratory tract pathogen, has been reported to cause pharyngitis, epiglottitis, otitis media, conjunctivitis, and pneumonia. Rarely H. parainfluenzae infects the urinary tract, and is believed not to have been previously reported as a cause of prostatitis. A case of H. parainfluenzae in a young homosexual man infected with HTLV-III and chronic lymphadenopathy is described. Common clinical syndromes such as prostatitis may be associated with unusual pathogens in persons immunodeficient due to HTLV-III infection.

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Photo of Len Zon

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